| Thursday 01/03/2002 11:30:40pm Name: Shaila E-Mail: iNeednAmbulnce4mi@email.com City/Country: Bell Gardens, CA USA Comments: hey cuties! You guys probobly don't know who i am. I am a friend and let me tell you something, becuase you don't know ho i mam, I just wanna take the chance to say taht you guys are HOT. as in hot and spicy too. I can't wait till I meet you guys.. (especially that cutie patutie Diego) and ofcourse, all other 3 of you.. no hard feelings.. well, hope to cee u fine men soon!! (i hope sooner than soon) AFTF #1!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/03/2002 11:13:53pm Name: Brown eyed girl City/Country: Pakistan Comments: oh, my Gosh! I was just checking out websited that i got thru a serch engin and i foun dis one. by serchin did site i foun out the name of did band. oh, sorry for my inglish i'm lerning Eric Diego, frank and angel.. i don't know hu they are but they are rilly nice (looks) eye figured out it was a music band. I want to get your cassettes. dont no whu you are though, here its very hard to find that music, actually, its hard to find enything here right now. nut lets not get into that. actually, i JUST moved to Hollywood, California. i lived in pakistan all my life (TALIBAN... URR) so,i'm working on my english. ok, well, eye hop you write back..eye am getting a email very soon. Ill visit.. i promise. becuse eye admire you guys. You are very cute too. so, as wesay back in Pakistan.. ASHBER (good bye) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/03/2002 0:15:57am Name: *~*eUnIcE*~* E-Mail: rockstar_17_2001@yahoo Referred By: Friend Comments: "tIgHt sItE yA'Ll!!! kEeP Up tHe gOoD WoRk" *~*MuAhZ*~* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/31/2001 9:34:36am Name: OB Referred By: Friend Comments: hey waz up, just wishing you guys a happy new year y bueno see you guys on the 4th. believe it or not? we are creating a stir around L.A. ye ye! woo ti wu! See you next year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/29/2001 3:08:17am Name: SIR JAMES Referred By: Just Surfed In Comments: Hey guys this is it for 2001. Let's make it a blessing by giving thanks to the all mighty G-sus for this year. Keep up the work cause next year 2002 is gonnna be rocking for all the bands. See you guys soon - - - Happy new year if I don't see ya! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 12/27/2001 6:40:11pm Name: Alphie(siervo del Rey Christ) E-Mail: WwW.Jesusrebels.Com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Anahiem (california) Comments: Blessings in the Name of Cristo.. Want to wish you bros wanderful halidays Also thank you for your efforts we gaing a couple of soul for our king. next Year hundred more with gods will Somos material de el so lets make the best for him..fun love in his name alphie(Vision Tour 2k2 viene Soon(2002) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/25/2001 8:27:36pm Name: MaRI E-Mail: ghettochildgirl4@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: the valley Comments: you guys are great i have heard your music. All I can say keep it up and God bless! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/24/2001 11:34:55pm Name: Wen E-Mail: rubyredford@aol.com Referred By: Friend Comments: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I hope it brings you guys lots more luck and opportunity! You guys are really cool! God Bless! Wen=) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/09/2001 10:47:57pm Name: Eunice aka unit E-Mail: rockstar_17_2001@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend Comments: just wanted to drop by and say hi, that was a tight performance ya'll did yesterday! keep up the good work!! eunice :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/09/2001 5:57:20pm Name: Abby E-Mail: aprilmayeighth@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: LYNWOOD, CA Comments: Hiya Erick, Thanks for inviting to the concert!!I really enjoyed, hope to go to another one soon. Guys, great site. Keep up the good work. GOD BLESS!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 12/06/2001 10:03:13am Name: JAMES Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: USSR Comments: I almost forgot. Happy happy birthday JOAN, your only 2? - - (song) Now tell me what you want!!!!! but keep in under $10, just messing!!!! best wishes to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 12/06/2001 9:54:18am Name: SIR JAMES Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Hong Kong Comments: Hey Diego what's up, you never have your phone on. So I know your gonna get this message. Get ready for SAT. were gonna tear it up . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/05/2001 7:54:05pm Name: SOLOvino E-Mail: i don't know Referred By: Friend City/Country: the city OF AnGeLS Comments: DEAR FELAS , IM WRITING TTODAY CAUSE IM BORED , BUT ANYWAYS YOU SUCK YOU REALLY ,REALLY, REALLY SUCK,"TWHAT"AND JOAN! TOMORROW IS YOUR B-DAY HOW OLD ARE YOU?21/23 YES I KNOW YOUR 21 BEST WISHES FOR OUR MANAGER LOSER JOAN J.K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/01/2001 4:45:10pm Name: ob Referred By: Just Surfed In Comments: well just right hear checking thre...i mean ambulance for the fallen's site. well you guys keep it up, i like your site and well thanks for chilling with us, GOD BLESS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/28/2001 1:23:08am Name: Louie E-Mail: LuisR_B21@Yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Bell Comments: YO, YOU GUYS HAVE A TIGHT LIL WEB SITE GOIN ON. I JUST WANNA SAY IM MAD PROUD OF YOU GUYS. I REMEMBER LIKE YESTERDAY THE DAYS WHEN WE WOULD COMPETE IN AWANA OLYMPICS NOW YOU GUYS ARE TEARING UP THE STAGE AND LIFTING UP PRAISE TO GOD. MAD LOVE GUYS. HEY AND REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO HELP US OUT TO, FACE DOWN BABY. ANYWAY, YOU GUYS EVER NEED ME AND THE BOYS WERE JUST DOWN THE BLOCK, WORD IS BOND. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/22/2001 5:36:24pm Name: AKA STATIC Referred By: Friend City/Country: Bell Comments: Crazy fan club, guess who? one of your many favorate new friends! I need to get one of your new cd's! so hook it up!Good luck with your concert next week! It's been fun hanging out with you guys, even if you take us to shakey's(the ghetto)J.K. Much love to the biggest flirt of the group D----,and my little brother Eric, and my sweet heart Frank.( who always call us to make sure we make it home safely!) much love and god bless!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/22/2001 2:25:54pm Name: Damaris E-Mail: dammarita@msn.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: HP California Comments: hi guys! Just wanted to check out the site and since today is turkey day, wish you a nice one and happy holidays aswell. Well, Also, wanted to say "Good Jod!" :) to, u guys r talented. So just kip up the good work and God Bless!!! BYe! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/19/2001 1:57:39pm Name: SIR JAMESTER (SCRIPTURE) E-Mail: ogtimer@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: LA CALIFAS Comments: Hi guys do you know me!!!!! If you don't, I'm the little guy from ESCRITURA. Just saying WHATTTTTS UPPPPER !!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/18/2001 10:36:32pm Name: Robert (Drummerstickz) Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Tijuana, Mexico Comments: Hey guyz, I know I all ready signed this guestbook, but I just wanted to say cool gig at the bar. You guys sound good. Did you see the bartender chick wanting to strip with your music? LOL. Well anywayz, keep up the good work and hopefully Danny and Angel's boyfriend Gabriel and I get to tour with you guyz next year, all though it is going to be tough keeping Angel and Gabriel apart while we are playing.LOL!!! Just kidding Angel, you're cool, cause you are a Hirch Pipe employee. Well guys see ya at church and at our first gig on December 8th. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/16/2001 4:14:13pm Name: Christina E-Mail: jwlvdanile@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Downey,California Comments: hey guys!...i heard about u from one of my friends and she said that u guys sound really good..i agree...its good to know that there are young people out there singing Christian songs..may God grant you all and your band success. God bless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/16/2001 1:22:41pm Name: Wendy Penate E-Mail: pepperanne21@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: West Covina/ CA Comments: Well guys this site Rocks!Frank you ROCK. and the talent should stay in the family so how about you let me in as your new drummer...haha ( no offense angel) anyway I have to go see you guys play soon, im going through aftf-withdrawl.lol. God Bless You Guys and keep rockin'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/15/2001 10:15:52pm Name: DZ Referred By: Friend City/Country: Downey/California Comments: Hi guys! Keep up the good work!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/15/2001 12:51:02am Name: KAREN TEPAZ Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: DOWNEY, CA Comments: HEY GUYS WE ARE AT SCHOOL RIGHT NOW AND I JUST HAD TO CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE THAT MY FRIEND HAS BEEN TALKING ABOUT. I WAS READING YOUR LYRICS AND I THINK YOU GUYS SEEM PRETTY COOL!! HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/15/2001 12:46:59am Name: Natalie G. Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Downey, CA Comments: HEY GUYS, MY NAME IS NATALIE AND I HEARD YOU GUYS FROM MY BEST FRIEND ELIZABETH. I LISTENED TO YOU GUYS FROM A TAPE THAT SHE SENT ME AND I REALLY LIKED IT. YOU GUYS ARE REALLY GOOD!!! HOPEFULLY I'LL GET TO MEET YOU GUYS SOON. I'VE HEARD A LOT ABOUT YOU!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/14/2001 6:54:54pm Name: Sarai Sarinana Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Downey, Ca Comments: What's criplin'? How's it goin'? Well I'm just proud to be your friend. I'm one of your biggest fans! And I'm praying for you guy's. It's been a lot of fun hanging out and going to your concerts. (The beach and the movies was fun too.)You guys are one of a kind and a very fun crowd. I know God is using you guys in a very special way. Goodluck to my very special buddies Erick, Diego, Frank and Angel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/12/2001 8:37:54am Name: Linda E-Mail: Lilmiss24_ca@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Torrance, CA Comments: Hello there, just wanted to say that you guys sound better each time I see you! God is working through you to reach out to the youth, always stay the same and don't forget that you have a Huge fan in me!! ALWAYS :) Joanne you're doing a great job and may God Bless you!!! Love you all, Linda* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/11/2001 12:59:05am Name: Leslie E-Mail: purpletz852105@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Huntington Park, CA, USA Comments: Hey you guyz! wazup? I just wanted to say that you guys are the best and that I thank God for putting you in my life, even though I would like to know you a little bit more. Well, gotta run. peace! God Bless You!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/10/2001 4:32:21am Name: Krystal & Brian E-Mail: imopeanut@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Las Vegas Comments: VEGAS LOVES YOU BABY!!!!!!!!! Good Luck and God Bless in all your future endeavors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monday 11/05/2001 10:38:48pm Name: Maribel Magana E-Mail: maribelm.@lareinafamilybrands.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Baldwin Park, CA Comments: Hi Franie, Remember meeeee i'm Michelle's bestfriend. Anyways she's told me your band plays pretty good.So I decided to check out the web-site. Hopefully i'll go to one of your concerts soon w/Michelle. For anyone that is reading this & hasn't gone to one of there concerts, I suggest you guy's go because I am. Your #1 Fan, M&M P.S Free tickets please, u know who to give them to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/05/2001 11:26:32am Name: Kelly E-Mail: kelly90303@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Inglewood,CA Comments: Hey you guys, keep up the good work and continue striving for higher goals. Take care of yourselves and God Bless You. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/04/2001 1:08:10am Name: solovino E-Mail: twat's your name?!!!! Referred By: Friend City/Country: the city of Angels Comments: twat's your name? hey guys its me chickmonkey im just here doing nothing you all know you SUCK !!!!!!!!!! no im just kidding,we kick a-- , for all the fans that read this,well i like to thank everybody and specially GOD, yes JOAN!!!!!!! you too! well good night to everybody from the ONE AND ONLY BUT NEVER LONELY "SoLoViNo" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/02/2001 10:16:01pm Name: Michelle Robles E-Mail: shellrobles@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: West Covina, CA Comments: Hey Guy's Wish I could have been there tonight at your Anaheim concert, but I had very short notice. I've been to one of your concerts & you were the best band out there, so I'm sure you guy's were the best tonight also. Keep on praising God's name. God Bless, Michelle P.S Maybe next time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/01/2001 8:53:08pm Name: Natalie E-Mail: Neg03@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Bell Gardens Comments: Hello!!!!! Well I just want to say that I am very proud of u guys!!! Keep doing ur best and remember don't let anything or anyone come in ur way from achieving all ur goals! God Bless You Love Yah Lots!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 10/30/2001 12:05:20am Name: Yes guys the one and only SIVIA E-Mail: sivieym@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: L.A. Comments: Hey guys i am very proud of all of you...keep up the good work...Remember even though i don't like to admit it i am one of your biggest fans. Love you guys and may God Bless you guys A LOT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 10/28/2001 1:06:05am Name: Yanira E-Mail: skielosp@mediaone.net Referred By: Search Engine City/Country: Los Angeles, CA Comments: Hey chumps! I think its bad A-- that you guys have actually made it this far. Diego- one day I'll handle you. Angel- you definetly need some one to handle you. Erick- I want my goldfinger Cd back!!! and as for you Frank- hmmmm.............we cool. well AFTF keep on rockin for the Lord God Bless.........Its all about LA Temple!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Saturday 10/27/2001 7:48:05pm Name: em E-Mail: emily.roberson@student.oc.edu Referred By: Friend City/Country: Oklahoma City Comments: so, you guys seem really cool and i hope i get to hear you in concert sometime. God bless ya'll!!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Name: Banate E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: cudahy/CA Comments: Hey Baate wazzz here "ONLY ON THE WEEKENDS" ------------------------------------------------------------ Saturday 10/27/2001 1:48:50am Name: Nancy E-Mail: Nancyh21@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: cudahy/CA Comments: Hey guys I just wanted to say that it is nice knowing all of ya, you are all fun to be with. Your band is really cool I really like it and I'm sure you you guys do it to serve God in your own way. "GOD BLESS U ALL". Hope to get to know u guys more. Well that's all LOVE YA !!! bye!!!! Nancy ------------------------------------------------------------ Saturday 10/27/2001 1:36:07am Name: Angelica Guzman E-Mail: mariaguzman2@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Bell/CA Comments: Hello everybody, its me Angelica, its been a pleasure meeting you guys and getting to know you all, you guys are doing a great job, keep up the good work just remember, "Buscad primero el reino de Dios y todo lo demas vendra por aadidura." Love Angelica Guzman. ------------------------------------------------------------ Saturday 10/27/2001 1:28:14am Name: Robert E-Mail: drummerstick@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Bell Garbage,CALI Comments: Hey dudes, good job on putting the group together. You guys sound good. Keep up the good work. And by the way,it was an honor being your drummer for that one yard sale gig. See you guys at church. Hey Angel, HIRSCH PIPE SUCK huh!!!! -Drummerstickz- ------------------------------------------------------------ Friday 10/26/2001 4:21:49pm Name: Kimberly Guffin E-Mail: kimberlyguffin@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Springfield, Oregon Comments: Your site is awesome. Wish I could see a show sometime. maybe you should consider playing in Springfield sometime;) ------------------------------------------------------------
Friday 10/26/2001 0:05:17am Name: Xiomy E-Mail: xeg_99@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Bell Gardens Comments: Hey locos!!! Im glad that you guys made it all the way here!!! keep doing a good job GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! Joanne ummmm looser ummmm good job managing the band.......keep it up ok and may you guys continue what you have achieved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/25/2001 10:52:11pm Name: Wen=) E-Mail: rubyredford@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Springfield/USA Comments: Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you how neato torpedo you are!!! I wish you all the best of luck and God bless you! Wen=) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/25/2001 10:32:17pm Name: Nadia Urzua E-Mail: NadiaUrzua@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Commerce CA Comments: Hello guys, I just want to tell you that you guys are the BEST!! and you guys have really gotton better during these past few months. God Bless you guys!! Your little sis:)